The rain continues to fall and it feels like we are stuck in a rut. The two inches of moisture is welcome, but we would really like to see some sunshine to give the course time to dry out.  For the upcoming weekend, golf carts will be restricted to the ROUGHS ONLY.  We will not be allowing carts to drive in the fairways.  The driving range is currently OPEN.

Legacy Golf Club Wet Weather in Central Iowa

We FINALLY received some much needed moisture.  In fact, much more than what we needed in a very short amount of time.  As a result, carts are restricted to the paths only today and the driving range is closed.  We will continue to monitor the conditions and see what the forecast holds as we head into the weekend.  However, some type of cart restrictions could be a factor for the next couple of days.

The Legacy Clubhouse In Metro Iowa In The Evening

Our first Couples Twilight of the season was a huge success with fantastic weather and it was sold out.  Our next event is scheduled for Friday, June 9th.  It will be 6:15pm shotgun start.  There are only a few spots left.  For more details or to register visit

It seems like it has been weeks since we have seen any sunshine.  We received the rain that we needed, but now we need some sunshine and wind to help with drying. The cloud cover and mist does not help dry things up.  Therefore, on Monday, May 15th, carts will continue to be restricted to the carts paths.  The driving range is open.

Legacy Golf Club Wet Weather in Central Iowa

Happy Mother’s Day! Unfortunately, due to all of the rain this week, there will be cart restrictions in place for today.

  • Carts are restricted to the paths only
  • Driving Range is closed
Legacy Golf Club Central Iowa

We were right in the bullseye of the most recent storm.  The course received an inch and a half of rain in a very short period.  The course will be closed for the remainder of the day.

For Sunday, May 14th, golf carts will be restricted to the PATHS ONLY.  Also, the driving range will be closed.  We will continue to monitor the conditions and hope for some drying time over the next few days.

We received a 1/2″ of rain last night and expecting some more this evening. The course has drained well enough to allow carts in the Roughs Only for today. With more rain in the forecast, we are not sure what the cart rule will be for the weekend yet. We will keep you updated.

Register today for one of the few remaining Mizuno Fitting Day times scheduled for Saturday, May 13th.  This is a great opportunity to demo all of the latest Mizuno metalwoods and irons and get any questions answered by the experts.  To register for the event visit

Legacy Golf Club Norwalk Iowa Hole #1 Evening

Our first Couples Twilight event of 2023 will take place on Friday, May 26th.  This signifies the beginning of the summer golf season and is the first of six events to be held.  The evening includes:

  • Sandwiches from the Grill
  • Happy Hour (5:00-6:00pm)
    • $3.00 Draws & $5.00 Mixed Drinks
  • 9 holes with cart – (2) Person Alternate Shot Format
  • Prizes & Entertainment
  • $80 + tax per couple

Complete your registration and payment now by visiting

The thunderstorms last night provided some much needed moisture and quite a lightning show.  The course we received 1″ of rain.  As a result carts are restricted to the paths only for the day.  The driving range is open.